Saturday, 29 May 2021

W.H.Auden's Poems

W.H.Auden's Poems 

Hello Friends! 

         Today I'm going to write about W.H.Auden's Poems task given by our professor Dr. Dilip Barad sir...

1) Which lines of 'September 1, 1939' you liked the most? Why?

                                                           To make this fort assume
                                                           The furniture of home;

The first evil is the conservative ignorance of the religious-minded. Then there is the fictitious lie of individualism. Its doctrine declares that nothing exists but the individual self. This doctrine rules over the mind of the materialistic man-in-the-street. The third evil theory is the lie of authoritarianis. Auden mentioned evils ruling over the minds of the people. I liked this line because In it poet describes things as living things.the poet describes the nature of the task his poetic voice has to perform in America. He says that he possesses only his poetic voice, and no other power, to undo the evil beliefs prevalent in America and elsewhere. 

2) What is so special about 'In Memory of W B Yeats'?

In Memory of W. B. Yeats, by W.H. Auden is a modern poem in its imagery, concept and versification. The poem, as its title indicates, is an elegy written to mourn the death of W.B. Yeats, but it is different from the conventional elegy. Traditionally, in an elegy, all nature is represented as mourning the death, here nature is represented as going on its course indifferent and unaffected.

The great poet's death goes unnoticed both by man and nature: human life goes on as usual, and so does nature. Secondly, in the traditional elegy the dead is glorified and his death is said to be a great loss for mankind at large. But Auden does not glorify Yeats. He goes to the extent of calling him 'silly' and further that his poetry could make nothing happen. "Ireland has her madness and her weather still." Thus, Auden reverses the traditional elegiac values and treats them ironically. Although, apparently the poem is an elegy, Auden reverses and departs from the known traditions of elegy.

3) Is there any contemporary relevance of 'Epitaph on a Tyrant'?

We find that out national leaders also do like Tyrant. Yes it's democracy but they all used to one thing that citizens of the nation to understand - it is his way or the highway. People often acquiesce when their lives and livelihoods are threatened. Therefore, the tyrant manipulates and controls people by having strict punishment always. They don't have any particular reason to become kind toward the citizens but for money and Political positions they show off more on social media. We see that our leaders's dictatorship and played no small role in shaping the world as we know it today and they had known it then.

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