Expect lecture on metaphysical poetry by Dr. R. K. Mandaliya sir
The guest lecture was organised on the topic Metaphysical Poetry and Dr. R K Mandalia sir was invited as the guest lecturer. Dr. R. K. Mandalia is the Head of the English department of Sardar Patel University in Anand. Dr. Dilip Barad, the head of English department of M.K. Bhavnagar University, invites him every year for better understanding of the topic. As part of the syllabus, there are five metaphysical poems, all written by John Donne. Mandalia sir has teaching deep knowledge of this metaphysical poetry and students also enjoy every moment of lecture. Teaching English poetry is not easy but mandaliya sir was a brilliant that he taught us very deeply with singing and we all are enjoying his all session.
Metaphysical Poetry:-
The word 'meta' means 'after,' so the literal translation of 'metaphysical' is 'after the physical.' Basically, metaphysics deals with questions that can't be explained by science. It questions the nature of reality in a philosophical way.
Characteristics of the Metaphysical poetry:
(1) Metaphysical Poetry is a blend of passion and thought:
T.S. Elliot thinks that “passionate thinking” is the chief mark of metaphysical poetry. There is an intellectual analysis of emotion in Donne’s Poetry. Though every lyric arises out of some emotional situation, the emotion is not merely expressed, rather it is analyzed. Donne’s poem “A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning” proves that lovers need not mourn at parting. For instance,
“So let us melt, and make no noise,
No tear-floods, nor sigh-tempests move,
‘There profanation of our joys
Total the laity our love”.
(2)Metaphysical Poetry is a fusion of passionate feeling and logical arguments:
For example, in “The Canonization”, there is passion expressed through beautiful metaphors:
“Call us what you will,
we are made such by love;
Call her one, me another fly,
We are tapers too, and at our own cost die,
And we in us, find the eagle and the dove”.
But at the same time, the tone of the poem is intellectual and there is plenty of complexity involved in the conceits and allusions, such as the “Phoenix riddle”.
(3) Wit :-
Critics find two reasons for their desire to differ from the former poets. The first reason is that they were fully aware of the fact that they would have been rejected had they continued writing poetry in the same way. The invention of the printing press helped a lot in the expanding education and literacy. All the Metaphysical were literate and degree holders. They wanted to exhibit their learning and scholarship. And so they tried to differ from the former poets.
(4) Metaphysical Poetry is the mixture of sensual and spiritual experience:
This characteristic especially appears in Donne’s poetry. Poems such as “The Canonization”, “The Extasie” – even though they are not explicitly discussed, the great metaphysical question is the relation between the spirit and the senses. Often Donne speaks of the soul and of spiritual love. “The Extasie” speaks of the souls of the lovers which come out of their bodies negotiate with one another. For instance,
“And whilst our souls negotiate there,
We like sepulchral statues lay;
All day, the same our postures were,
And we said nothing, all the day”.
(5) Far fetched images :-
Far Fetched images is one more feature of the Metaphysical poetry. They never tried to use and express their images from that field with which the theme of their poetry was concerned. They tried to bring their images from those fields which have nothing to do with the theme of their poems. So, they are called Far Fetched images. They tried to bring their images from the branches and areas just like, Agriculture Mechanical engineering, Architecture, Biology, Geometry and many other fields.
(6) Usage of satire and irony:
This is another characteristic of metaphysical poetry. Donne also uses this in his poems. For example, in “The Canonization”, there is subtle irony as he speaks of the favored pursuits of people – the lust for wealth and favors,
“Take you a course, get you a place,
Observe his honor, or his Grace”.
Metaphysical Poems :-
1. John Donne's Death Be Not Proud,
2. Flea,
3. The Sun Rising;
4. George Herbert's 'The Collar';
5. Marvell's 'To His Coy Mistress'
1.The sun Rising :-
The Sun Rising" also known as "The Sun Rising" is a thirty line poem with three stanzas published in 1633 by poet John Donne. The meter is irregular, ranging from two to six stresses per line in no fixed patter. Donne's poems were known to be metaphysical with jagged rhythms, dramatic monologues, playful intelligence, and startling images. The poem personifies the sun. It is addressed to the Sun by a lover who is in the company of his beloved. The lover expresses his concerned for his beloved by addressing this poem to the rising Sun. The present poem is also a good example of Metaphysical poetry. The poem opens with the lover's rebuke to the rising Sun. The rising Sun peeps into the bedroom of this lovers through windows and curtains. The lover doesn't like it. He wants to convince the Sun that the season and climate of lovers can not be governed by the Sun.
2.To His Coy Mistress :-
“To His Coy Mistress” is a metaphysical poem in which the speaker attempts to persuade his resistant lover that they should have sexual intercourse. He explains that if they had all the time in the world, he would have no problem with their relationship moving this slowly.
3. The Collar :-
George Herbet is also one of the members of the school of Donne, just like Andrew marvell. The title of the collection of George Herbert poetry is 'The Temple'. He wrote his poems to serve Christianity and "The Collar" is an example of it.
The poem is addressed by a sinner and two selves of that sinner are at war with each other. The poem sounds like a monologue as the sinners speaks on behalf of his desire to live life freely. The word 'Collar' stands for a yoke. So far the yoke of the sinner was bent towards the life of material pleasures. But now it is shifting towards Christianity. The sinner has come across board - an alter and that is enough to inspire him to leave the life of material pleasure.
Reminding the first speaker that there is an end to sadness in sight. If only the speaker will “leave [his] cold dispute” and stop his rebellion, he will be able to open his eyes and see the truth. He second inner voice reveals that, even in the midst of raving, he heard someone calling “Child” and replied “My Lord.”
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